
What is a Hosted Shared Desktop?

A Hosted Shared Desktop (also referred to as a hosted desktop) is a Windows desktop containing applications, which you use to access files and data from. Files can be stored on a hosted file server, data can be on a database server such as SQL Server.

Benefits of Hosted Shared Desktops

Due to the benefits of a Hosted Shared Desktop setup, they are gaining popularity among businesses and industries of all sizes.

Overall Reduction in Expenses - as all hosted desktops can run on almost any reasonably modern device, there is no need to purchase hardware for each member of staff.

Accessibility - hosted shared desktops allows users to access their desktops from anywhere with an internet connection.

Productivity - access to a hosted desktop is flexible, making the ability to work easier, thus increase productivity of a business.

Scalability - there are fewer hardware restrictions, such as allowing a business to grow without the need to purchase server hardware.

Hosted Shared Desktops vs Hosted Virtual Desktops

Hosted Virtual Desktops (HVD) are different from Shared Desktops because with Virtual Desktops, each user is running their own individual operating system, compared to users sharing a single Windows desktop server.

Hosted Virtual Desktops' data and programmes are stored in the cloud. As a result, it will remain safe and secure in the event of unforeseen events relating to your client hardware. This is especially beneficial if the user's device is lost, stolen or hacked. The two main disadvantages of Hosted Virtual Desktops are that because users utilise their own operating system, each desktop must be updated individually, and software installations and updates need to be done on each desktop separately. And, Hosted Virtual Desktops come with a higher price tag.

Citrix XenDesktop and Citrix XenApp Desktop are two examples of Hosted Virtual Desktop software.

Hosted Applications

Hosted Applications or Software-as-a-Service are cloud-based which enable users access to business applications from remote locations via the internet. SaaS is a type of programme that is often built by a software vendor and hosted on a web server and it is accessed through the Internet using a web browser.

Hosted Applications use the same technology as Hosted Shared Desktops, the only difference is that users only get access to the specific applications as the user only sees icons for the applications they want or need to run.

Switch to hosted desktops

GoCloud offer enterprise-grade Shared Desktop hosting, based from UK ISO27001 certified data centres.

If you're ready to make the switch, get in touch on 01482 751133 or email hello@gocloud.co.uk.

If you want to find out more, have a look at our FAQs page to find answers to the most common questions when considering a hosted desktop solution.

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